Dakota submitted a copy of this email for the mission file. See to it would you please, Darling?
RE: Thomson’s photo
OK, so you said this image was an amulet, but the image was probably a book of some description, and there was more than one image on the page…
We’ve talked about this. You need to be SPECIFIC.
One of these images is alchemical. It’s part of the tree of life, a sort of Kabbalistic map showing how to give the magician (or alchemist, if we’re being pedantic) the power of God. Or a god, anyway. Immortality and enlightenment.
The one on the top left is Enochian, which is angelic script. That’s the language used by angels when they want to write notes to each other. If Archangel Gabriel scribbled his shopping list on a PostIt, it would probably look like that. Well, not that like, because that’s a summoning nonagram.
In Enochian.
Ask yourself: what kind of being would angels want to summon? I mean, how badly do you have to piss off an angel for them to summon something other than an angel to come along and do their work for them? How dirty does a job have to be that even angels, not known for being averse to some pretty heinous works (we do remember pillars of salt etc, right?) would want to summon something else to do it instead?
And what would that look like when it arrived?
Underneath is some random collection of occult symbols — an alphabet of sorts.
The clearest image on the page is the symbol of an obscure Elder God called Yigg. When I say Elder God, I mean the King in Yellow, Mountains of Madness, eldritch horror from the cosmic beyond kind of Elder God. Maybe the kind of Elder God an angel would summon if they thought, “Boss, I love you dearly, but dude this shit is awful and Imma gonna have to ask a favour from someone with even fewer scruples than I’ve got, my man.”
This stuff is old, too. I had to call up the Covenant and get one of their people to look in the main Archives, because the schism happened after this was written.
Yep. That old.
I don’t think this Elder God has been summoned since before the Schism. I bet he’s really bored and just itching to get back out into the world. This page seems to suggest that someone able to summon this god would achieve immortality and the kind of power that would make an actual angel sit up and take notice.
What the heck have you found out there, Maya?