A woman shown as head and shoulders sitting in an ornate thrown


The Queen’s Court, Elfame

Elres is summoned to Court. The ruler of the people sits in a large, ornately carved throne, iridescent with colours only found on the wings of insects. The drapes that conceal the servants’ entrances are the colour of moss growing in a forest grove. Tapestries on the walls depict hunting scenes, bordered by intricate embroidery in the form of stylised animals, plants, and geometric designs. Around the court fringes sit or stand the courtiers, nearly all of them wearing animal masks in a mix of highly decorated silks bedecked with jewels, and headpieces so realistic that it looks as though they are, in fact, anthropomorphised animals. A hare whispers to a boar, giggling behind one paw as both of them stare shamelessly at Elres approaching the dais. A courtier, wearing a fluttering ruby dragonfly the size of a magpie over their face instead of a mask, sidles amongst the rest of the court, keeping pace, watching slyly. A fox, sitting somewhat separate from the others, black paws neatly together and brush curled round them, scrutinises her with eyes that glow sapphire blue when the light catches them. A bear, towering over the others, huffs and grumbles wordlessly.
“The humans know about the Pechts, child. I am disappointed that you could not prevent this. How did we not know that the old witch was keeping one of the gates alive? And how were we to guess that a human might find a way to make use of such a thing for his own, inexplicable purposes? I made Athena believe I would take her hunters’ heads and have them set upon spikes in our Great Hall, and so gained leverage over her. I will not be shy about reminding her of that.” She allows her gaze to wander over her rich tapestries and fine drapes, and to linger upon one or two of her more finely dressed courtiers. She laughs. “What paltry decorations they would make. We do not want the Pechts to gain a foothold in the human Realm. I trust you understand this. We did not pass beyond the Ninth Wave and leave our first World to the humans only for the Pechts to find a way back. Come closer, child. I would add to your instructions.”
The courtiers watch with more than obvious jealousy as Elres ascends the dais and kneels, so her ruler can whisper into her ear.

Astoria, Queens, New York, USA

Cut to a much less grand setting: a small house in Astoria, Queens, which is kept neatly, but clearly hasn’t had new furniture, curtains, carpet, or inhabitants in a very long time. Beige, brown, and faded green are much in evidence. Several of the chairs have clearly had their legs repaired with newer wood; expertly, but with no thought given to whether the new wood matched the old.
There’s a knock at the door. There’s a doorbell, of course, but Norman had disconnected it years ago. Everyone he wanted to see knew to knock; anyone who didn’t could stand out there and press the button until the cows came home, for all he cared. Norm opened the door to find a man with enough lurid scars to give the impression that he’d been torn to pieces and stitched back together. He had a personality to match.
“Jesus Christ, you leathery old cuss, you’re still alive.”
“Hell yes, Karl. Clean livin’. Ain’t drank nuthin’ but vodka for fitty years. Keeps the pipes clean. You want coffee?”
Karl had no idea how old Norm was. He’d been old when Karl’s dad had introduced them, and Karl’s dad never knew him when he wasn’t old, either, or at least never mentioned it if he had. He *did* mention that Karl’s grandfather had introduced *them*, and that if you wanted to be welcomed in ever again, you never refused the offer of coffee.
After the usual polite chat, Norm walked Karl down to the workshop he had in the basement; Karl hardly ever visited if he didn’t have a request. “Whaddaya need?”
“Teflon-jacketed with a magnetic iron core. Sidearm caliber, three hundred rounds.”
Norm looked at him for a long moment. “No shit.”
“No shit.”
“Got it. Swing by on Thursday, and bring some of that kielbasa you get from the Polish deli you won’t give me the address for, because you’re an asshole. You want them in mags?”
“Six mags, the rest in boxes. Braille-key the mags with an ‘F’ on the back.”

Heorot, the Maze (Covenant Operational HQ)

In the seemingly deserted bar at Covenant HQ, lit only by the shrinking glimmer of embers dying in the open fireplace, a gravelly voice suddenly shatters the silence. “Robin try to ‘member what Karl say he get for bang-stick to throw? Special type of metal rock him say. Me think it sound like… um… err… mag-something. Mag….mag… magma-light! Yes, magma-light sound like what Robin need.” A figure rises from the concealing shadow of a wingback armchair and approaches the fireplace. It leans over and Robin’s face is revealed, his heavy angular features softened by the sultry amber glow. After a quick, furtive glance to check he is alone he leans closer, then bellows up the chimney “Hey Santa, Robin want magma-light!” As the echoes of his cry scrabble up the sooty brickwork to freedom Robin turns away, then stops. “Xmas not soon” he ponders, “Maybe Robin ask Merlin for magma-light as well as thunder-rock. Yes, good plan Robin, me ask Merlin.” He takes a step, then stops again. “Maybe me ask her too, just in case.” With a slight shiver of dread at the enormity of the power he is about to address in supplication, Robin returns to the fireplace and inserts his head, once again, into its gaping maw. This time his voice is tens of decibels lower, as near to as whisper as he can get, and respectful. “Please may Robin have magma-light? Me will tidy room, take medicine, and even wash behind Robin’s ears. Thank you… Mary Poppins.”

RaAD Weapons Development, The Maze

Merlin glances up as Robin skulks into the workshop. “Duck!” Something resembling a boomerang with teeth whizzes over Robin’s head. A few hairs drift to the floor, wafting gently. “Sorry about that. Rogers there is really not a very good aim. That’s why he’s not allowed in the field. I SAID THAT’S WHY YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED IN THE FIELD, ISN’T IT, ROGERS? Deaf as a post.”
Rogers shakes his head. “I can hear you just fine, sir,” he says in a small voice.
Merlin juggles awkwardly with some crystals. They look suspiciously like the crystals Windsor was using to power his leyline accumulators. “We’ve just been playing around with these. The clean-up crew brought them back from bonny wee Scotland.” He puts on a terrible, see-you-jimmy accent to say it. “There was some paperwork as well, but R&D are looking over that. What’s that Emily? SPEAK UP WOMAN? Yes, quite right, that’s us. You ARE looking at it, aren’t you Emily? WELL THEN. Quite fun. I can think of things to do with them already. Anyway. What can I do for you, eh?”
“Last mission Robin see people me no see since me come from long time back ago when to now time,” Robin says. “Robin see Vadhagh. Me no see often back then, but they always walk round with nose in air going la-de-dah look at hairy man how amusing, but how smelly. Robin think nose so far up in air it go round and up Vadhagh’s own poop place. They big danger if angry, rock no hurt good, stick no hurt good, and pointed stick only make more angry. Robin find out they no like special rock, but me only have normal rock, stick, and pointed stick. Keira no let Robin drive and no let have rock go bang, so how me halp good if only have normal rock and sticks? Robin need upgrade. Robin need thunder-rock that go bang… go bang and make all who hear thunder go surprise poop. Me also need special rock thing that Robin think called magma-light. Me not know what it do, but Robin need for good halp if meet Vadhagh again. Merlin and Robin frens, so Robin let Merlin know me already ask higher powers Santa and Mary Poppins, so if Merlin say ‘Robin, no’ like Keira and C” — he drops his voice to a loud whisper that carries all around the testing lab — “who like Keira, but old,” — his voice returns to normal, which doesn’t travel much further than to Merlin’s ears over the general background noise — “then me get anyway. Santa only come once a year and Mary Poppins busy lady, so will be delay. Robin sad for delay, so come to frens Merlin. Robin know Merlin no like be beaten by Santa or Mary Poppins, so me come Merlin to get thunder-rock and magma-light first. Imagine look on Mary’s… me mean Santa’s face when Robin say ho-ho-ho me already got from frens Merlin, just leave by tree and be on merry way.”
Merlin runs his fingers through his massive, furry beard. His eyebrows thicken, his eyes gleam with flecks of amber, and is there a suggestion of teeth looking a little more sharp?
“YOU ALREADY ASKED MARY POPPINS? GOOD GODS MAN. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME SHE AND C BUMPED INTO EACH OTHER? We can’t have the world’s most annoying nanny turning up here. We’re far too busy for C to be distracted trying double or quits on that sniper distance challenge. And less of the old. She’s a wonderful woman.” He grins in a way that suggests he knows exactly how wonderful she is. “That bloody umbrella-wielding witch cheats. Right. Thunder-rock, make surprise poop you say. Hopkins! HOPKINS! Get this man a whoopee grenade will you? Mark 2. Actually, better make that mark 3. The mark 2 was rather unstable. Not sure what a magma light is, but I do have some ideas. Give me a couple of days, will you? I’ve got a lad out collecting for me near Stromboli. Should be back soon. I’ll be in touch. And, Robin,” he pats Robin on the shoulder with an enormous hand, “best keep this on the down low, eh?”
Robin grins hugely. “Ok, Robin not tell. Surprise poop better if thunder-rock also surprise anyway. Me go now, but me come back for magma-light. Robin thank frens Merlin, so go fly kite ask Mary Poppins no come now.”
He skips merrily away singing the opening to Thunderstruck replacing the ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah bit with wet raspberry sounds.

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